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Mill Lake Elementary School

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school nurse


Kris Cauda RN, BSN,CSN
Mill Lake School Nurse
Pre K -  3rd Grade
732-251-5336 Ext. 8402
732-251-3208 FAX
Welcome to the Mill Lake School Nurse's Office!


School nurses play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment, ensuring that students are physically and emotionally well, and contributing to the overall success of the educational experience. They serve as a valuable resource for students, parents, and staff in addressing health-related concerns and promoting a culture of wellness within the school community.


Illness:  If your child is ill, please keep them home until they are feeling better. Students must be fever-free (<100.4) for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. Students must also be free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.

Attendance:  Please log into the Parent Portal on Genesis and report your child’s reason for absence in the comments section.

Physical Education: A child may be excused from physical activity for up to two consecutive days with a note from a parent/guardian. If the need for exemption extends beyond two days, a note from your child’s doctor is required.

Outdoor Recess Participation: Please note that if your child cannot participate in physical education, they will not be permitted to participate in outdoor recess activities.

Medication Administration:  Both prescription and non-prescription medications can only be administered by the nurse with a written order from your child’s health care provider. Medications must be hand delivered by an adult to the school nurse in their original container.

Health Screening Policy: The Monroe Township Board of Education follows the School Health Guidelines set forth by the New Jersey Department of Education, which includes an annual screening program to monitor the growth and health of school-age children. Height, weight, blood pressure, vision, and hearing, are conducted according to a schedule set by the State of New Jersey.

The nurses are here to support your child's well-being, so please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Your child's health and safety are our top priorities.
